Jelly Bellys

So...this morning I am having a bit of a sweet tooth and Jelly Bellys seem to be the only thing that helps. I put a few in a cup and am munching happily until....
Chase: Mommy? What doinggggg?
Mommy: Eating Jelly Bellys and NO I don't want to share
C: One, pweeese...One, pweesseee
M: try this one
**you know how you get Jelly Bellys and they always include the nasty brown, spotted and black beans - flavors like popcorn, licorice, chocolate pudding, poop, etc.... Well...I thought - here is my chance to pawn this off on my helpless 2 year old - SCORE!!!
(Chase is looking at the bean - puts it in his mouth and IMMEDIATELY spits it out)
Chase: SHOOOOO WEEEEEEE That yucky!!! No tank you!!!!
Chase: Give me DAT one.... (pointing to my favorite/wonderful/amazing other flavors)
Mommy: NO!
C: pweeeeseeee....
M: okay...take the cup, I shouldn't be eating them anyway!!!
C: Fank you!!!
Damn kid!!! Hee hee

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