So Chase had a rough morning - it was his first day to participate in the dreaded preschool "drop off" line...in Chase's world this means...a teacher you barely know, comes to your car when mommy opens the door and unbuckles you and drags you kicking and screaming from the mommy you know and love and who you would prefer to never ever leave (yeah...so I am fabricating just a bit...bear with me...)
So...anyway...he sees them coming, grabs puppy, slams his hands down on the overhead bar of his carseat and screams "NOOOOO" - the assistant director who is removing him from the car, gently asks...may we take the frog too? "Of course, we were trying not to take him to school, but by all means take him in too" - last I see is Chase and his best friend Puppy being carried down the hall screaming sooo loudly we can still hear him after we drive off...I almost threw up!
Fast forward to NOON when I go to pick him up...Miss Sara comes to the door..."I understand that this is PUPPY (Chase filled her in on the name of his green frog ALL DAY) - can Puppy please continue to come to school b/c he really made a HUGE difference in his day...he only cried for a few minutes, participated in all activities and actually left class to go to creative movement (didn't actually participate mind you, but we'll take it because on Wednesday he had NO interest in leaving his class to attend Music class!) and even placed Puppy safely in his cubby when I asked him to"
I am totally shocked, thrilled, proud, etc...boy I LOVE this green frog named Puppy!!!
***There has been concern mentioned by many people regarding the bad bad situation that may arise should puppy be lost, demolished, etc... I wanted to let you know that we now have 2 puppy backups in case such a horrific event should occur. I found one on Ebay and my nephew Faris and my mom found another in North Carolina...now I just have to make look as loved as the original!

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