Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Saturday, August 26, 2006


We hosted this month's supperclub Friday night and had a great time!!! 5 couples plus one ADORABLE 3 month old enjoyed a great meal and lots of laughs!!! Thanks everyone for joining us and bringing the great side-dishes, dessert, and appetizer (not to mention the amazing sangria!!!!)!!! Looking forward to next month!


Storytime at the Wainscott house! Chase LOVES that his big sister has taken over reading to him before he goes to sleep! They pile in his little bed and read away - sooo cute!! He is fascinated with PLANES right now so they have read the same book for about a week now!!! Posted by Picasa

Hat and School TShirt Day!!!

Friday was Hat Day as well as School Tshirt Day at Amelia and Chase's School! As you can tell, Chase was not too excited with the hat portion of the day so we just opted for the tshirt part - hee hee!!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

Hair Cut!!

Besides have a dirty mouth from Jelly Belly adventures - you may also notice Chase's haircut...this time...Miss Nicole had the honor of cutting his hair. Again...took me, Bryan and Nicole to hold him down...guess he will have a buzz cut for the rest of his life.... Posted by Picasa

Jelly Bellys

So...this morning I am having a bit of a sweet tooth and Jelly Bellys seem to be the only thing that helps. I put a few in a cup and am munching happily until....

Chase: Mommy? What doinggggg?
Mommy: Eating Jelly Bellys and NO I don't want to share
C: One, pweeese...One, pweesseee
M: Alright...here try this one

**you know how you get Jelly Bellys and they always include the nasty brown, spotted and black beans - flavors like popcorn, licorice, chocolate pudding, poop, etc.... Well...I thought - here is my chance to pawn this off on my helpless 2 year old - SCORE!!!

(Chase is looking at the bean - puts it in his mouth and IMMEDIATELY spits it out)

Chase: SHOOOOO WEEEEEEE That yucky!!! No tank you!!!!
Chase: Give me DAT one.... (pointing to my favorite/wonderful/amazing other flavors)
Mommy: NO!
C: pweeeeseeee....
M: okay...take the cup, I shouldn't be eating them anyway!!!
C: Fank you!!!

Damn kid!!! Hee hee Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 21, 2006

Fun with Friends

Grant was working late so the kiddos and I headed over the Bramhalls for some great food and fun! Amelia and Jake chose to wear a leotard and bathing suit respectively, but the little guys Chase and Connor decided to go naked - sooo funny! Posted by Picasa

Chase unhappy with Jake...poor Jake! Posted by Picasa

Naked boys!!! Posted by Picasa

Chase and....

you guessed it - PUPPY!!! Here is Chase entertaining himself at mommies race this weekend! Notice puppy is buckled in with his sippy cup and enjoying a ride around the park...tooo cute!!

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Amelia's Turn to go Bowling!

Amelia's friend Leah had a birthday party yesterday at the bowling alley! Amelia was really jealous that Chase got to go the other day so she was really excited. What a fun time they had!! Posted by Picasa

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Mommy Makeover TAKE 2

Amelia decided to do another of her famous makeovers - this time she said I was a tiger with flowers on her head and the words "i love you" across my face - HUH???? It did waste about 45 minutes though so SCORE! Posted by Picasa

Friday, August 18, 2006


So Chase had a rough morning - it was his first day to participate in the dreaded preschool "drop off" line...in Chase's world this means...a teacher you barely know, comes to your car when mommy opens the door and unbuckles you and drags you kicking and screaming from the mommy you know and love and who you would prefer to never ever leave (yeah...so I am fabricating just a bit...bear with me...)

So...anyway...he sees them coming, grabs puppy, slams his hands down on the overhead bar of his carseat and screams "NOOOOO" - the assistant director who is removing him from the car, gently asks...may we take the frog too? "Of course, we were trying not to take him to school, but by all means take him in too" - last I see is Chase and his best friend Puppy being carried down the hall screaming sooo loudly we can still hear him after we drive off...I almost threw up!

Fast forward to NOON when I go to pick him up...Miss Sara comes to the door..."I understand that this is PUPPY (Chase filled her in on the name of his green frog ALL DAY) - can Puppy please continue to come to school b/c he really made a HUGE difference in his day...he only cried for a few minutes, participated in all activities and actually left class to go to creative movement (didn't actually participate mind you, but we'll take it because on Wednesday he had NO interest in leaving his class to attend Music class!) and even placed Puppy safely in his cubby when I asked him to"
I am totally shocked, thrilled, proud, etc...boy I LOVE this green frog named Puppy!!!

***There has been concern mentioned by many people regarding the bad bad situation that may arise should puppy be lost, demolished, etc... I wanted to let you know that we now have 2 puppy backups in case such a horrific event should occur. I found one on Ebay and my nephew Faris and my mom found another in North Carolina...now I just have to make look as loved as the original! Posted by Picasa

Puppy Couldn't Miss out on Bowling!

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Chase Goes Bowling!

Last night while Amelia was at gymnastics...Chase and I went bowling with our playgroup buddies...He had so much fun!! I was in dire need of caffeine so I was drinking a Mountain Dew which Chase decided he needed (thus the very healthy snack you see him enjoying) which gave him all the energy a boy could need to hit the alley! He was a bowling freak - couldn't get enough!! Guess I know what we will be doing while Amelia does gymnastics each week (the bowling alley is right across the street!). Posted by Picasa

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Monday, August 07, 2006

Peachtree Road Race

Photos from the July 4th Peachtree Road Race I ran!! Better late than never....

First Day of School!!!

Amelia had an amazing first day! Chase….......well……………let’s just say – he survived!! The worst part was this morning BEFORE we went, it took 1 hour of screaming/freaking, etc… for him to understand that he could NOT wear his yellow crocs (damn no Croc rule!!! - hee hee).

Once there he cried the first 30 mins (or so.....the teachers were being pretty nice and not telling me all the yucky details) and then was so exhausted I think he just gave up…did paint and play with Playdough finally but got ready to go towards the end again.

The funniest thing was I picked him up at noon and he was happily watching a movie in the car – we then had to walk back in at 12:30 to get Amelia and he just about LOST it….

Noooooooooooooooo! We are not going back already mom are we????

He is crashed out in bed now, so hopefully Wednesday will be better! Amelia is counting the hours until tomorrow morning when she gets to go back to school - thank goodness one of them is excited!!!

Friday, August 04, 2006

Orientation/Open House - Stockbridge Methodist Preschool/Kindergarten

Chase's seat!!!

Amelia eagerly waiting 6:30 so she could go see her class!!

Amelia in her "rainforest" classroom!

Chase was very pleased to see all the TOYS in his class!!!

Tonight was Open House at Amelia and Chase's school. Amelia will be attending Kindergarten with Miss Stephanie and Chase will attend 2 year old Preschool on MWF with Miss Sara!! Their classrooms were just adorable and we are excited for a fun year!!!

As you can tell, Chase was ALL ABOUT sitting in his chair - we'll see how he feels about it on Monday!!! YIKES!!