Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Wiggles Maniac!!

Chase is totally Wiggles crazy right now! LOVES them...only wants to watch them...totally addicted - hee hee

Lights, Camera, Action - WIGGLES!!!

His version of Toot, Toot, Chugga, Chugga Big Red Car! He says Cozy Car for his "Cozy Coupe" that he LOVES to play in. He will drive his Cozy Coupe and sing this song - just too cute!

Enjoy!! I had to pull off on the side of the road to get these videos b/c it was just so darn cute!! Sorry for the bad quality - it was dark outside - just couldn't chance that he would be in the mood to sing once we got home...


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