When Mimi's away...the Chase shall play...
Amelia and her Daddy flew to Florida today to visit Grammy, Papa and Great-Grammy...we miss them already :(
It came time to go to bed and Chase said "Where's Mimi...Mimi read Dinosaur Binkit?" (this is the book he begs her to read nightly)
I told him Mimi with Daddy and then he asked "I sleep in Mimi's bed?" - SURE!!!
Here he is up on the top bunk with all his friends - Puppy, Froggy #1, Froggy #2, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Bullseye #1, Bullseye #2, and Jessie...
Two things to notice in these photos...
#1 his haircut - we went to a BARBER shop today that he LOVED and they gave him the cutest haircut ever and he behaved sooo well for me!! whoo hoo
#2 the two knots on his head...when I said it was bedtime, he immediately threw a blanket over his head and made a run for it, running straight into the railing and hit his head so hard...we just spent 20 minutes making sure he was okay...poor little Chasey boy!!!
"mommy...I hit me head!!!"
BOYS...oh my goodness the craziness never ends...
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