Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Backwalkover Video...

Little Gymnast at home...

Amelia spent the afternoon working on her beam routine...so cute! She is so darn serious about it...hard to not upset her by giggling...here is photo of her handstand...video up next...

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More Florida Photos

A few more photos of Grant and Amelia's trip...

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Saturday, September 29, 2007

Sir Chasealot

While waiting in the front yard for Amelia and Daddy to get home...Chase practiced his fencing skills!

"On Guard"

I'll get you tree...take that...

This is so much fun Mommy!!

Still a very cute little knight!!
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When will Mimi be back???

Chase has been asking ALL DAY about Mimi...Where is my Mimi?"

Here is his "I miss my Mimi" face...

Thank goodness she is on her way home as I type!!
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Chase's Favorite - The "Choo Choo" at Heritage Park...

Ok...yeah...we spent about an hour exploring the choo choo today....He wanted to touch everything, sit in every chair and refused to leave. I tried to go sit on the bench just outside the train, but he INSISTED that mommy be INSIDE the train too...I only talked him into leaving
by promising a trip to Blockbuster to pick out a new WIGGLES DVD!! AHHHH

We did have a fun day though!

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Heritage Park

Chasey/Mommy day at Heritage Park

We had a blast!

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Friday, September 28, 2007

More Florida Photos

More of the Daddy-Amelia Adventure in Florida

pretty girl

Papa, Grammy, Amelia and Grant

Amelia and Papa
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Zoe had a few too many...

Thank goodness for buckets in the middle of tables - hee hee

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A trip to the Beach!

A trip to the beach for shell hunting, wave jumping and sandcastle building!!

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Daddy and Amelia's Florida Adventure

Here are some photos of day 1 of Amelia and Daddy's adventure to Florida!

Captain Amelia performing the pre-flight check

Ready to fly! Amelia and Webkinz Minnie are ready to hit the skies!

We are on our way!!!
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Wednesday, September 26, 2007

When Mimi's away...the Chase shall play...

Amelia and her Daddy flew to Florida today to visit Grammy, Papa and Great-Grammy...we miss them already :(

It came time to go to bed and Chase said "Where's Mimi...Mimi read Dinosaur Binkit?" (this is the book he begs her to read nightly)

I told him Mimi with Daddy and then he asked "I sleep in Mimi's bed?" - SURE!!!

Here he is up on the top bunk with all his friends - Puppy, Froggy #1, Froggy #2, Buzz Lightyear, Woody, Bullseye #1, Bullseye #2, and Jessie...

Looking down on his own bed...

Two things to notice in these photos...

#1 his haircut - we went to a BARBER shop today that he LOVED and they gave him the cutest haircut ever and he behaved sooo well for me!! whoo hoo

#2 the two knots on his head...when I said it was bedtime, he immediately threw a blanket over his head and made a run for it, running straight into the railing and hit his head so hard...we just spent 20 minutes making sure he was okay...poor little Chasey boy!!!

"mommy...I hit me head!!!"

BOYS...oh my goodness the craziness never ends...

These photos were taken with my video camera so that is why they are so awful...but I just had to take them...
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Sunday, September 23, 2007

Gymnastics Meet...Here we go again...

Today was Gym South's first level 5 meet of the season...
Amelia is not eligible to compete until her 7th birthday so we went to cheer the girls on!

She will miss the first two meets of the season but will compete in her first meet the weekend of October 19th.

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Stone Mountain Hike

Saturday we had a family outing to Stone Mountain Park and we hiked the 1.4 mile trail to the top...it was sooo steep but we made it and the view was so worth it!! Chase had the best deal of the group getting to ride in the backpack all day :)

We Made It!!

Daddy and Amelia enjoying the view!

Family photo...

This was the grossest thing ever...there are 2-3 power poles that are piled with old gum...YUCK!
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