Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

A Fun Memorial Day!!!

What a fun Memorial day we had!!! We went for a family walk and played at the park, then swimming at a friend's pool and then finished the day at Michael and Karen's house for a cookout, boatride, fishing and swimming in the lake!!!

Sweet Brother and Sister enjoying the park in our neighborhood!

Amelia tries out the swings!

A kiss for daddy!

Three Girlfriends at the end of a fun day!!
Grace, Lauren and Amelia

Amelia doing a little fishing at Michael and Karen's house!!

Amelia swimming in the lake!


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