Wednesday, May 31, 2006
A Fun Memorial Day!!!
What a fun Memorial day we had!!! We went for a family walk and played at the park, then swimming at a friend's pool and then finished the day at Michael and Karen's house for a cookout, boatride, fishing and swimming in the lake!!!
Sweet Brother and Sister enjoying the park in our neighborhood!

Amelia tries out the swings!

A kiss for daddy!

Three Girlfriends at the end of a fun day!!
Grace, Lauren and Amelia

Amelia doing a little fishing at Michael and Karen's house!!

Amelia swimming in the lake!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Saturday, May 27, 2006

Today we had a fun family day at Wild Animal Safari - this might have been the most I have laughed in YEARS - we had soooo much fun! You "rent" one of their zebra mini-vans with all the windows removed and you ride through the safari feeding all the animals....the pictures should tell the story.....
Mimi waiting for our van!

When the animals come up...they stick their head in the window and most stick out their tongues for food!

This little cutie suprised Amelia when she turned her head!

Amelia feeding one of the local residents...

More friendly animals come by for food

Grant feeding a zebra with Amelia smiling for the camera.


Chase feeding a CAMEL!!


A Buffalo came by...YIKES!!!
Friday, May 26, 2006
Last Day of School - boooo hooooooo!!!

Mimi at her class party!

Mimi playing a race and passing the sponge to Brittany!

We are all sad that the year is coming to an as the FINAL last day - her school had a fun "water" day with sprinklers, games and a class party!! We are going to miss her sweet teacher Miss Christy and all her buddies - she will be at the same school next year - but in the Kindergarten class with Miss Stephanie...I am also happy to report that Chase will be in the 2 year old class 3 days a week - whooo hooo!!
Monday, May 22, 2006
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Mother's Day!! Georgia Renaissance Festival

We had an amazing day together - celebrating Mother's Day and enjoying some time together!!
Amelia enjoying a Pony Ride!
Amelia attempting to climb "Jacobs Ladder" - you try and climb the ladder that is connnected at one point on the top and bottom and you try and ring the bell - so funny - we all ended up on our backs in the hay!!

Mommy tries to climb "Jacob's Ladder"...for the record....I made it the closest to the bell - hee hee!!!

Amelia with Mother Goose...this was the coolest thing ever...the goose was so sweet, she would "hug" you and let you pet her and touch her beak and everything....soooooo cool!!!
Chase enjoying the Petting Zoo...they had feed you could buy and he loved feeding the sheep - one problem though...he kept eating the feed too - YUCK!!!

Amelia and her cool face painting!!! A Pink Flamingo!
Grant tried to climb "Jacobs Ladder"