Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Sweetwater Creek State Park

Saturday we took a family hike in Sweetwater Creek State Park...we had a fun time and enjoyed a beautiful walk/hike until the rain came and we were SOAKED!! Here are a few photos before the rain...

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REWIND to July 3rd - Rafting in TN

Family shot after lunch...

Courtney on the river...

Courtney & cousin Faris (background includes: uncle Knox, aunt Sarah and Amelia)

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Friday, July 25, 2008

How Amelia has spent her summer....

Amelia has been hard at work this summer at the gym! Here are a few videos of her new talents - I still need to get her new bar skills and floor skills, but these are a start - we could not be prouder of all her hard work!! :)

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Chasey Boy...

Amelia was spending the afternoon with Daddy so Chasey and I hit the carousel after a quick shopping trip!!

Chase and Puppy take a ride on a Reindeer!

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Gymnastics Pool Party...

Friday after gymnastics the girls had a swimming party to cool off from practice...here are a few fun photos...

One token boy joined the girlies....

lots of fun tricks going on...

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Sunday, July 13, 2008

Scooby Doo - SCARES ME!!!

Friday I let the kiddos go to Blockbuster and pick out movies to watch...Chase just HAD to get a Scooby Doo movie...

Soooo this is how he watches the Scooby Doo movie because it totally scares him to death...scares me too really...it is about Ghost Pirates - YIKES...(totally not by best mommy moment by any means...I have it hidden now, boxed and ready to return to Blockbuster!!)

He watched it several times each time hiding and saying "ooohhh this Dooby Doo mobie is SCARY" and each time I said, "Why don't we watch something else or go play upstairs...," "No fanks Mommy, I just hide while I watch it..."

I am soooo waiting for the Ghost Pirate nightmares to hit tonight - ahhhhhhhhhhh

This is him watching the parts with the actual Scooby Doo characters...happy boy...


PS...In case you were wondering, Chase informed me today that my car was totally not as fun as Dooby Doo's MYSTERY MACHINE!! Darn it!!!!
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TOPs Testing - July 12, 2008

Amelia had her 2nd TOPs Testing yesterday...

She improved on most everything and had a great time with her buddies - we are so proud of her!!

Great job Amelia!!

Flexibility - Splits

3 Stooges Pow Wow!!

World Xtreme TOPs Team!
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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Last night...

We hated to leave, but we sure had a great time!! Here are a few more shots from Saturday night...

3 cuties enjoying the outdoors...

Grant playing with fireworks...SCARY!!

We played on the ski slopes a bit...

All the kiddos!
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Birthday for Chase...

We celebrated Chase's Birthday Saturday night with a GREEN frog cake...

Cut the CAKE - Cut the CAKE!!!

Amelia even ate a piece!

One of his many gifts - a GREEN ball!!!
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How Chase spent his time...

Sweet Milly made Chase a "fishing pole" and he had a BLAST with it...this is how he spent most of his time...

too cute and too funny!

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4th of JULY!!

4th of July Festivities...

Waiting for the parade to start...

The kiddos are ready and waiting...

After parade pow wow on the trampoline...
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Banner Elk...

Day 3
SWIMMING at Beech Mountain pool

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Banner Elk

Day 2

National History Museum and Visitor Center at Gray, TN Fossil Site

The kiddos looking for fossils

The Scoof on Poop exhibit
(this was pretty darn funny...)

Milly, Reedy and Amelia playing a "poop" game...

The entire clan...
Finley, Faris, Knox, Milly, Amelia, Reedy and Chase
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