Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Thursday, May 29, 2008

First Pool Trip - Summer 2008

Pool season is upon us...we have been to the pool every day this week...

SUMMER - here we go....

Chase has the pool key and is ready for fun!!

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Chase's Last Day of School :(

Last Friday was Chase's last day of school.....very bittersweet....our little guy is growing so fast and I can't believe he is off to PreK next year :( Where the heck has the time gone??

Miss Angie had a fun last day planned - including party, cake, gifts and fun...Chase had a blast!!!

Miss Angie gave them all big beach balls - of course Chase's had to be GREEN!!! (looks kind of blue here, but it really is green)

Saying goodbye was so very hard...Miss Angie was BEYOND amazing this year...just what Chase needed in a teacher and we just can't imagine school without her!!! He still wakes up every morning asking about her...breaks my heart!!

Summer Here We Come!!!
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Thursday, May 22, 2008

Grant's "Business" Trip...

Grant took a business trip to Colorado in late April for a conference...I am having a hard time seeing the "work" aspect - hee hee

He spent one day enjoying the outdoors and fly fishing...lucky duck...said the rest of the time was "real work" yeah right :)

Here are a few photos....

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"Gretel Bear"

I have a new camera - whooooo hooooo!! So excited...

I took a few photos of Gretel to share...this dog is a MESS!!!...but we just ADORE her!!

Pretty girl...

Lazy girl...

Almost too large for the chaise...now officially "Gretels bed"

Night night!!!
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Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Water Day

Amelia and I volunteered to help out with Water Day and we were in charge of the BUBBLE station - you can tell Amelia loved this job!!!

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Water Day - SMPK

Today was WATER DAY at Chase's school!!!

They had a BLAST and I just can not even begin to think that he only has 2 days left of school - next is PRE-K YIKES!!!

Miss Angie helps chase with his water squirter!!

Water cup race!!!


Popsicle time!!!
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Monday, May 19, 2008

Soccer Photos...

Well...Chase's first soccer season has come to an end...we received our individual and team photos today - I think they are just too cute!!!


The 3/4 White Polar Bears!!

My little soccer star! hee hee
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Friday, May 16, 2008

Storybook Dress Up Day - SMPK

Today is storybook dress up day at Stockbridge Methodist Preschool...

Little Chase went as Hansel!!

Too cute!

Hansel and Gretel - hee hee

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Monday, May 12, 2008

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy

Saturday night we were treated to a fun night at the FRED amphitheater in Peachtree City...

Big Bad Voodoo Daddy was playing and we even got a backstage pass!! We had a BLAST!!

This photo was taken with Grant's camera phone, but I so had to post it...they are amazing!!

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School Photos 2007-2008

I got the kiddos photos back today - these are Chase's official school photos and the photographer let me bring Amelia in to join in on the fun! I scanned them in so the coloring is off a bit and their are some random "spots" - guess I need to clean the scanner - YIKES!!

I am of course biased but I think they are pretty darn cute :)

Scanned in a bit crooked..oops!! This one is SOOO their personalities - Ms Grown Up Girl and Mr Life of the Party - hee hee

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Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day!!

What a wonderful mother's day I had...

The kiddos (and daddy) spoiled me with wonderful gifts and then we spent the day together exploring. We ended up in Milledgeville for lunch and fun!!

Here are some photos of the kiddos in Milledgeville!

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Banner Elk...

The kiddos and I took a trip to Banner Elk last week - here are a few photos of Chase enjoying an afternoon at the Park!!!

(Amelia was golfing with her Bubba)

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