Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Saturday, April 26, 2008


Once again it was Soccer Saturday....

Hitting the field...

Celebratory pancakes at IHOP!!

There was a guy doing balloons so the kids LOVED that...Amelia got a dogs in a heart and Chase got a frog (of course!!!)

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Art Show...

After the Art Show Chase really wanted to go walk around the soccer field (they had practice there when we arrived and he just beside himself that he couldn't go play) sooo Amelia took him for a little stroll...

Everyday after school Chase loves to visit these flowers...Amelia decided to take a photo of him with them....
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Art Show - Stockbridge Methodist Preschool

Friday night was the Art Show at SMPK - Chase had some adorable creation to share with us...

Here is Chase with his turkey

Behind him is his turtle

This was his "camera" with the photos that he took on the playground...too cute!!

Miss Angie did some amazing projects with them - sooo much fun to see them hanging on the walls!!
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Friday, April 25, 2008

NCAA Gymnastics Championships!!

Last night Amelia and Sarah were Runners for the NCAA Gymnastics Champtionships in Athens...they had a great time!!

Here are a few photos on their way to the big event!!

They got NCAA tshirts to wear and an official "floor access" pass - sooo cool!!

with THE trophy!!
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Birthday Party for Chase...

Last weekend Chase's friend Sydney had a birthday party...Chase could not have been happier to be going to her birthday party and was soooo proud of the present he gave her...held it the entire way there and then insisted on handing it to her and telling her
"Happy Birfday Sid-ney!!!"

Soooo sweet

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Rewind...Spring Break Week...

Finally downloaded my camera - here are a few photos from Mt Carmel Park the week of spring break...

the kiddos were enjoying the beautiful weather and riding their new bikes...

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Sunday, April 20, 2008

First Level 6 MEET!!

Amelia had her first level 6 meet this weekend - more of a practice meet - but she had a blast!!!

Here are a few photos of her beginning beam and floor :)

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Floor Video:

Who could sleep like this...

This is how my kiddos are sleeping tonight...

Sideways in Chase's bed with the following items:
Puppy the Green Frog, Elfie the Elephan, Leo from Little Einsteins, Diego DVD in case, a Xylophone, 3 Legos, 2 pieces of Thomas Track, a Clifford Book, a Cabbage Patch baby, a purple Mailbox from Blue's Clues, and.... (who the heck knows what else we couldn't see...)

Chase HAS to go to bed usually with a DVD, Puppy and Leo but tonight he went a bit overboard....

At least they are sleeping...Grant and I were laughing so hard we almost woke them up - OOPS!!!

Night Night....

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Soccer - Take 3

Soccer for Chase gets better each week...he played 2 times this week and had a blast!!!

Here he is warming up with Daddy...

"I DID IT!!!!"

Action shot...

Pre-game pep talk...he needed me there to hold onto for a few minutes...

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Monday, April 14, 2008

More Florida photos...

A few more photos from Florida...

Sunday - ready for day 2 of the clinic

The entire team who attended - Sunday

Gymnast and coaches on Saturday...

Almost Home...late Sunday night they finally passed out in the car :)
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Gymnastics Trip to Florida!

This past weekend Amelia and I traveled to Florida for a gymnastics TOPs clinic...the drive was LONG (10+ hours) but we had a great time! Here are a few photos!

In the car on the way down...

We made it! The girls posing outside the hotel.

Saturday morning we hit the beach...3 cuties enjoying the sun!

Of course there was lots of gymnastics taking place on the beach :)
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Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Spring Musical...

Last night was Chase's spring musical at preschool - sooo cute!!! Here are a few photos...

Sweet Boy!! He actually danced this time - still no major singing but he was really cute up there moving around!!

Unfortunately this is how he spent most of the performance - hee hee

Leopard Chase!!

Miss Angie brought them a treat since they did so well...here Chase and big sister are enjoying his yummy cake!!

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