Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Sunday, March 30, 2008

NO MORE PICTURES PLEASE MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Soccer Week 2..

This week he played a lot more - and had a blast!! Here are a few photos!!

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Poor Gretel!!!

Gretel had her appointment on Wednesday to be spayed...poor girl...she was feeling pretty rough but was TOTALLY back her to herself by Thursday afternoon!!

Yeah...the collar lasted until Thursday afternoon and now is in shreds - thankfully she hasn't messed with her stitches - YET!!
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Golf Clinic

Amelia attended a homeschool golf clinic on Thursday - she had a blast!!!


Chase had a blast filling the golf buckets!

Chase was given a chance to putt - pretty hilarious!!
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Tuesday, March 25, 2008

The Easter Bunny Came!!

The Easter Bunny paid Amelia and Chase a visit!!

Amelia enjoying all her goodies!!

Chase slept in a bit, but his goodies were waiting for him when he woke up...
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Dying Easter Eggs...

Saturday afternoon we dyed eggs for the Easter Bunny!!


"my turn Mimi???"
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Chase's First Soccer Game!!!

Chase had his first soccer game Saturday - he is on the White Polar Bears team!! It was just too cute!!

All dressed and ready to go!

Practice time...

In the game...he was a bit hesitant, but after a bit he warmed up to it a bit...

The coach giving him a few pointers before he kicks...
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Easter Egg Hunt - Chase

A Bit out of order - sorry

Thursday Chase had his Easter Egg Hunt at School - he had to find eggs with a "C" on them - they had a blast!! Big Sister Amelia was there to help of course :)

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More Easter Fun...

Who the heck is this guy?? Daddy has a bit of fun!!


A boy and a stick - could he be any happier!!
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More Easter Fun!!

Handsome little guy posing next to the flowers...

Chase steals his daddy's beer and cigar - hee hee (we totally posed him I promise...)

Fun on the dock!!

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Easter at Powers-Edmondsons


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More Medieval Times...

Amelia was given the title Queen of Love and Beauty by our knight - the blue knight - it was really cool - he came over and put his sword out with this blue sash for her - she was sooo excited!!!

Chasey had a blast too!
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