Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

GVA Field Trip - MLK Visitor Center and King Center

Today we had a field trip with Amelia's "teacher" from her school -
The Georgia Virtual Academy...

Each month we have a group field trip with the other members of her "class" - it is always great to get out of the house and meet others involved in this program and learn some interesting facts about the Atlanta area...

Today we visited the Martin Luther King Jr Visitor Center and the King Center...such a fascinating place!

Amelia in front of MLK Jr and Coretta Scott King's final resting places...

Amelia took this photo - she really liked this exhibit

Hard to tell...but behind Amelia is historic Ebenezer Baptist Church
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Monday, January 28, 2008


Week 7 (the week she came to live with us) is top photo and this week is bottom photo
Gretel had her booster shot appointment today - she weighed in at 41 pounds!!!!!! She was 11 pounds 9 weeks ago - YIKES!!!

Can't believe it is the same dog!!!! WOW!!

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Gretel 16 weeks...

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Gym Dogs VS LSU

Saturday night we went to Athens to see the Gym Dogs against LSU

We had a BLAST - thank you to Chris and Sarah for inviting us :)

It was the "pink out" meet to raise money for breast cancer which was really cool!

Amelia, Sarah and Ashley

Cheering in the aisle

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Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Gym Dogs!!

Yesterday Amelia went with a few buddies to the UGA Gym Dogs practice facility for a "gym kids" session...

They just had a BLAST!!! They were smiling ear to ear the entire time...they got to do all the events with the Gym Dogs and their coaches helping them - sooo cool!!!

The girls posing in the middle of the Georgia floor...

Hannah, Ashley, Amelia and Sarah
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More Gym Dog Practice...

Amelia and Sarah working on back walkovers with Hillary!

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Sunday, January 20, 2008

Flip Fest Gymnastics Meet - Knoxville, TN

Flip Fest Meet

This weekend was the Flip Fest Gymnastics meet in Knoxville, TN. Amelia did very well - scoring her best scores ever on Beam (9.325)
and Bars (8.80)!!!
We are so proud of her!!!

The team doing a silly pose

3rd on Beam!

Nanny and Bubba came to cheer her on!!

Here is Beam Video (the other events were soo far away that I couldn't get them):

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Thursday, January 17, 2008

Back to Class for Centers...

After the Ocean room - we went back to the classroom for a little "centers" time before heading home...

Future Rock Star???

Lining up to get ready to go!!
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More Ocean Room...

Amelia and Emily tagged along with Chase's class...

Emily tries to get into the treasure chest...

Mermaid Amelia and Pirate Chase

Emily hits the beach!!
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Ocean Room - Stockbridge Methodist Preschool

Today Chase's class visited the Ocean Room at school! Amelia and I decided to tag along and see this cool room!!

Miss Angie's class


Miss Angie and the kiddos play in the sand...

A mermaid and her 3 pirates!
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Still Snowing!!!

It is still snowing here...it is so crazy...

Grant said you wouldn't believe the people out buying milk and bread - hee hee

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Look! Look!! It is actually SNOWING here in Atlanta!!!!!

I wish you could see the snow in the photos - it was really coming down pretty hard (for Georgia)

It was hilarious - a few of the neighbors (including this big geek) were out taking photos and the kids were running around like crazy!!

PROOF!! Snow on Chase's hair!!
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Ready for School!!!


It has been COLD here...here is Chasey ready for school!! Cracks me up everytime!!
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Do you think that she is maybe a tiny bit spoiled???

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