Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Dog Park/Kid Park...

Yesterday we went to the dog park and kid park at Mt Carmel park

Gretel tries out the puppy ladder

Chase's Turn!

Time for some refreshments...

Amelia and Gretel share a swing
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Gretel's first vet visit...

Tuesday we took Gretel for her first vet visit. She checked out perfectly except for her eye which we will use some steroid cream on for a while and see if there is any improvement.

She had all her booster shots and will go back again in 3 weeks...This is sooo like having a newborn in the house...

All "smiles" before the vet arrived...

she was a little upset after her shots so Amelia consoled her...

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Monday, November 26, 2007

Gretel 7 weeks

We plan on taking a photo of Gretel each week next to Puppy in this corner to see how FAST she will grow...

Here is Week: 7
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Gretel's first days...

Sunday she was officially 7 weeks so Amelia thought she needed to celebrate with a birthday hat!

She was soooo cold when it was potty time that we had to buy her a little jacket to wear...

I think she is feeling right at home...

She even enjoyed a fun game of Trivial Pursuit!
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Saturday, November 24, 2007

Our New Baby!!


Gretel Wainscott!

We are nuts, but we fell in love with her!!

Gretel and her dad (along with Amelia and Grant of course)

Amelia and Gretel's dad - Major!

"My new best friend..."

All cuddled up a quick nap!! (..won't be able to do this for long)
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Happy Gobble Gobble Day!

Happy Gobble Gobble Day!!

Michael cutting the bird!

2 Cute chicks!
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Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Rock Climbing!

At the Zoo Amelia decided to tackle the rock climbing wall!! She made it all the way to the top twice!!! Soooo cool!

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Thanksgiving Break Day 3 - Zoo Atlanta

Today we headed to the ZOO!! Carolan and Lauren met us there and we all had a blast!

Chase at the petting zoo

3 cute kiddos

Chase on the carousel

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Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Christmas Decorations - ALREADY!!!?????

These photos were taken tonight in Jonesboro on our way home from gymnastics practice...I am sooo not ready for Christmas!!!

These lights crack me up each year....I may have a dirty mind, but what the heck does this have to do with Christmas??

Now this is more like it...I still say it is tooo early, but at least this looks "Christmasy"

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Thanksgiving Break Day 2

Another day of school vacation...

Today we went to Mt Carmel park! The kids rode their scooter and tricycle and had a great time with some friends!!

Here are a few photos of our morning!

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Just a few more from the park...

Amelia enjoying the sand...


More sand - he of course LOVED this...

Self Portrait - Mommy and Chasey
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Next - Picnic in the Park...

Next up...Picnic in the Park!!

We went to the park and packed a lunch for some fun!!

Chasey boy enjoying a swing!

Chase's favorite - the Dinosaur!


Digging in the Sand!!
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