Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, October 31, 2007



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Halloween 2007

Halloween 2007 cont...

Bobbing for Apples

Mojito takes a turn...

The spider is over his costume trauma and having fun!

Group photo time!!
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Halloween 2007

We had some buddies over for Halloween...here are a few photos!

The girlies doing a Halloween craft

Chase is NOT AT ALL Happy with my costume choice!

Little Miss Muffett and her Spider!

(yes...I bribed him with candy to keep the outfit on...)


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Hoe Down...

Chase gets a little help from Miss Angie

Miss Angie's Class

Hay Ride!!!

Amelia takes a break from her volunteer work for a photo on the tractor!

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Ready for the SMPK Hoe Down...

Today was a BIG day for Chase at school...it was "black and orange" day as well as the annual Hoe Down...

so....we combined the two and he dressed as a Halloween Cowboy!!!!

Ready to go to school!

Big Sister Amelia volunteered at Chase's school today - she dressed for black and orange day too!

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Test Run...

We lit the pumkins Tuesday night as a "test run" for Halloween...I think they looked wonderful!!!

The kiddos had to have their photo taken - it was chilly outside, but Amelia had just returned from gymnastics and was far far too excited to actually put on something besides a leotard - hee hee

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Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Results...

Our pumpkins...carved by Mimi and Daddy!!

Pumpkin 1 - Frankenstein

Pumpkin 2 - Ghosts
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Pumpkin Carving...

Time to carve the pumpkins...

The plan is decided...

the pumpkin is cleaned...this is serious business...

Chase of course was little help - he decided it was much more fun to just play...
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Pumpkin Patch

We visited the pumpkin patch yesterday...here are a few photos of the kiddos

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Monday, October 22, 2007

I love this photo!

Jim Lewchuk caught this moment and I love it!! I changed it to b/w tinted with what else but PINK!!

This is after the closing ceremonies - both kiddos came running up to me for a HUG - ahhhhh

This is what it is all about!
Thanks JIM - I am so happy to have this photo!
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A Few more CNN photos

A few more photos from Amelia and Daddy's fun day out!! They had a blast!

On the tour...

Daddy/Daughter Photo Op

A little PE time after their tour while waiting for gymnastics practice to start...

Like we need more PE hours - hee hee
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Daddy Homeschool

Daddy and Amelia took a field trip today to CNN Atlanta

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Sunday, October 21, 2007

Amelia's First Level 5 Meet!

Amelia had her first level 5 meet this weekend! She did really well and had a fun fun time!! I didn't get a ton of photos since Chase joined us at the meet :)


Amelia, Darien and Nadia

One of her awards!
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