Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Dress Up/Use your Manners Tea Party...

On Monday, Chase's class had a dress up/practice our manners tea party!! Chase got all dressed up and ready to go enjoy his day with Ms Angie!! Can you imagine a class full of young 3 year olds having a manners party -oooohhh I wish I could have been a fly on the wall - hee hee!!

sooo...we didn't start of the day with our manners in check....

that's better...our little man posing nicely for the camera!!
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Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Speaking of Amelia...

Most my posts lately have been about Chase - the little guy has had quite alot going on...

Here is a photo of Amelia with her favorite little buddy (most of the time...) - he loves to get a piggy back ride from her and she loves carrying him around...here they are after gymnastics tonight!
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Chase's First Gymnastics Class!!

Tonight Chase tried his first gymnastics class!! He did a trial in the beginner preschool class and had a BLAST!!

He was WILD but did listen to Ms Wendy some of the time...he managed to hang on to the bar, walk across the beam and even did a front roll with her help!! Here he is at the end of the class jumping on the trampoline and playing in the pit!

The minute class started he started asking Ms Wendy "can I jump now?" - meaning the trampoline...she is a smart lady and save this for the end of class but it was good bait to make him participate during the rest of the class :)

He will be taking a class every Tuesday night while Amelia has her team practice - hoping it will keep him occupied while we wait for her :)
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Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Amelia the Photographer

Amelia decided today that she would like to be a photographer

She "hired" an assistant (me) and set up a studio (baby blankets and all) and here are a few of her shots.... I personally love the use of the "potty" in the photos - can ya tell we are a little potty obsessed over here right now...day 5 of potty training h&^*!!!


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Chase - First Day of School!!!

Here is our little 3 year old ready for his first day of school!!! He had a great first day!!

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Sunday, August 05, 2007

Potty Training LOCO!!

Well...we survived Day 2 of potting training camp...Chase is doing soooo well!! He LOVES the potty today...yesterday it was just about as bad as the dentist- but today - the BEST!! He is doing #1 sooo well...#2 we haven't really had so much luck on but to his defense...the only time he had to go was early in the day when he was still not so keen on the whole process...

He actually announced at dinner..."hold on a second...okay?"
we said "where ya going Chase?"
his response...."THE POTTY mommy!!!"


And he actually did - well he did 2 times to be honest...hee hee!!!

Tomorrow we have to go to gymnastics so we'll see how he does on the road - YIKES!!!!!!!

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Today when I put Chase down for a nap...he was begging for his famous yellow CROCS to wear to bed (Heaven forbid we EVER remove them from his feet!)...they were downstairs and frankly halfway through day 2 of potty training I was exhausted! So...I left him alone to cry a bit over his crocs...he quieted down pretty quickly so I thought I had won the "No Shoes Worn to Bed" War...

Well....not so much...I went in to find him wearing the only other pair of shoes that he will ever wear - his GREEN FROG BOOTS!!!

Just too funny!! This kid is killing me this weekend!!!

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Saturday, August 04, 2007

Preschool...Here I Come!!

Last night was Open House at Stockbridge Methodist Preschool and Kindergarten...

Chase is so excited about his 2nd year in school - he just jumped right in and got very mad when it was time to leave all the fun toys!!

Tuesday is his official first day!
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Potty Training!!

So...we are in the middle of the wonderful time in a boy's life called...Potty Training

Chase has been spending tons of time at home totally naked and trying his best to do his business on the potty and not the floor, my favorite chair, the couch, etc...

Here are a few photos of the process...

Reading "The Art of Wine-Making"
scary how much he is like his daddy....

Taking Ken and Barbie for a spin in the pink Barbie Jeep!!!

Heaven Help Us!!!!!!!!
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Chase has a job!!

Chase has an official "job" at home...he is in charge of getting "Daddy Beer" when he gets home at night!!
Here he is performing his duties!
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