Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Memorial Day Weekend Videos - Trampoline Time!!!

Nanny and Bubba bought a trampoline which was a HUGE hit...here are some videos...soo funny!

Our Favorite Bookstore...

A trip to the moutains is never complete without a trip to our favorite bookstore in Boone - Black Bear Books...here the kiddos are enjoying some time in the rocking chairs outside after buying some books, playing with the Thomas Table and helping mommy order a yummy iced Latte!!!

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Memorial Day Weekend - Banner Elk, NC

HUGS for Bubba...

Kisses for Nan...

and a yellow ball to play with in a great back yard...
Can't get much better for Chase!!!
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How I Spent My Memorial Day Weekend by Puppy Wainscott

I spent some special time with my "Bubba"...

I read a really good book!...

I took a nap with Uncle Chuck...

I took a nap with Bubba too...boy what a fun fun weekend!!!!!

Poor Chasey...

This is what happens when you live with Amelia and mommy is busy packing for your weekend trip...you get dressed in pink pants and purple shirt that reads "Chicks RULE" - poor little dude walked around the entire afternoon dressed like this until he passed out watching his new favorite movie CARS! Too funny!!!!

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Class Photos Too!!

I just LOVE these!!!

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School Photos!

Our school photos arrived today....enjoy!

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More Water Day!!

Thinking about dumping the pool again....

Amelia and Emily enjoying a snack!

Amelia and Grace
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Water Day!!!

School is winding down....lots of fun activities this week...today was Water Day!!

The kiddos ready to go to school for water day!

Chase enjoying the kiddy pool!

Taking it all in...

What fun!! Let's dump the pool!!!
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Graduation Videos...

Amelia Receiving her Diploma...

Some singing and signing!!

Kindergarten Graduation!

Last night Amelia had her Kindergarten Graduation!

Amelia and her teacher Ms. Stephanie

Amelia with parapro Ms. Maura

The class...

Graduation Artwork...
"When I grow up...I want to be a gymnast"

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Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Just Like Daddy...

Chase LOVES going in Daddy's office - he sits in the chair and talks about the "puter" and all the fun stuff to do...

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Monday, May 21, 2007

Boating with KP and Michael!

Amelia at the helm!

The boys enjoying the beautiful night!

Uh Oh!

Puppy was a little over-served...

What a fun night with KP and Michael enjoying a yummy dinner and beautiful boat ride!!
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Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fun with Puppy and Zoe!!!

It was a bit of a car ride so...this is how we entertain ourselves...photographing Puppy and Zoe!! Enjoy!!!

Most of you know Puppy, of course, but Zoe is Amelia's doll that she has had since she was a baby and she has been making more and more of our outings these days - to keep Puppy company of course :)

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