Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Saturday, April 28, 2007

State Meet Gymnastics Videos!!!

Floor Routine


Bar Routine

Beam Routine

Awards Ceremony - All Around Level 4 - 6 and Under - Tie for FIRST - State Champion!!!

State Champion!

Today was Amelia's Level 4 State Meet!!
She had an amazing meet!!!
1st on bars, 3rd on beam, 4th on floor, 7th on vault and....

We were so proud of her!!!!

**videos on the way**
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Friday, April 27, 2007


Amelia posing by her space art work!

Amelia (we came straight from gymnastics as you can tell) with the kindergarten monkey art work!

A look down the hallway at school
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Chase posing with his artwork!

Chase posing with is bird artwork (the yellow/orange bird in the tree)

Chase and mommy with his solar system art work!

Close-up of his bird!
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Sunday, April 22, 2007

More Park photos....

Amelia and the boys waiting for the rocket to be set off...

Chase heading down the slide!

Chase and Puppy in the swing!!!

Cooper wonders what in the world he did wrong to suddenly have this guy in charge of his leash??!!!!!
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Blast Off - Rocket!!!

We ran into Chrissy, Rob and family and thankfully Mr. Rob was able to help Grant out with his new rocket toy...after much deliberating, the launches were very sucessful!!!

Jake and Amelia prepare for blast off!!!
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Dog Park!

We took Cooper to the new Henry County Dog Park today...here he is - a little worn out from all the fun!!

Chase "chasing" bubbles!!!

Cooper & Amelia posing by the fire hydrant!!

Amelia learned that you can't teach an old dog (Cooper) new tricks, so she tried for the 2 year old who was much more interested in trying all the doggie ladders and tricks!!
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Friday, April 20, 2007

Tooth #2!!

Amelia lost tooth #2 today!!! Here is a photo of her new smile!!! I guess the tooth fairy will be making another visit tonight!!!
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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Savannah Jane Wainscott

Savannah Jane Wainscott aka WaWa, Vannie, Savvy
1997 - April 17, 2007

We miss you already!!! Thanks for being such a wonderful friend!!!

(I found this poem online and just loved it!)

My best friend closed her eyes last night, As her head was in my hand.
The Doctors said she was in pain, And it was hard for her to stand.
The thoughts that scurried through my head, As I cradled her in my arms. Were of her younger, puppy years,
And OH...her many charms.
Today, there was no gentle nudge With an intense "I love you gaze"
Only a heart that's filled with tears Remembering our joy filled days.
But an Angel just appeared to me, A
nd he said, "You should cry no more,GOD also loves our canine friends, HE's installed a 'doggy-door"! jan cooper '95

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Noah's Ark...

We all needed a change of scenery today so we went out to enjoy the beautiful weather at Noah's Ark...here are a few cute photos from the day!

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Chase got to go to another birthday party this past weekend - for one of his friends this time - not tagging along with Amelia...he had a great time and his favorite part as you would well imagine was....THE BIRTHDAY CAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here he is with Puppy enjoying his treat!!!
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Saturday, April 14, 2007


NC Friends and Cousins Vist the Aquarium with us!!

Aunt Nan, Uncle Chuck, cousin Faris, cousin Finley, Miss Pam, Mr Michael, Morgan and Mason came to town for a quick visit and a trip to our wonderful Ga Aquarium on their way to Disney...here are some photos!!!
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More Aquarium!!!

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