Thursday, December 28, 2006
Waiting for Santa....

We visited Freds and posed in front of his singing snowman Carolers....

We dressed up and went to church with Bubba and Nanny...

And we went for some wonderful walks in the North Carolina cold air (even though it didn't snow until AFTER Christmas)!!

Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Our Santa Visit 2006

Well...I finally got Chase to get NEAR was rough! He was having a HUGE fit...thank goodness Santa is full of patience this year! This is the best shot we could get...kind of cracks me up...the first ones Amelia had this cute smile and she was cuddled up to the time we at least got Chase facing forward - she was just about sick of the photo shoot - hee hee! least I have one shot for this year...
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Friday, December 15, 2006
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Monday, December 11, 2006

Sunday we went to see Amelia's buddy Maddie compete in the level 3 State Meet! Maddie did awesome and Amelia loved having a chance to see her good friend and cheering her on!
She woke up bright and early, made signs saying "10.0 Go Maddie!," and had a blast picking out flowers and baloons.
Way to go Maddie!

Friday, December 08, 2006
Its Pajama Time!!!!!

Pajammy to the left...Pajammy to the right!!!
It was Pajama Day at Amelia and Chase's school!!!
My favorite day of the year - wake them up, brush their teeth, brush their hair, breakfast and GO!!!! LOVE IT!!!
I wish you could see more of our tree in the photos - it is so beautiful this year - we picked it out in NC with Nanny and Bubba and we just LOVE it!