Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Monday, November 27, 2006

Thanksgiving Weekend...

We had a fun fun week!! Thanks again Nanny and Bubba!!!

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!! (Belated)

Courtney, Grant, Amelia and Chase
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Thanksgiving Weekend...

We went hiking...

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Thanksgiving Weekend...

We went to Bristol to see the Speedway Festival of Lights... Posted by Picasa

Thanksgiving Day!

We had a BIG fondue meal and then went for a walk and found our CHRISTMAS TREE!!!...

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Thanksgiving Weekend

We had a fun fun week at Nanny and Bubba's house!! We played at the park....

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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Time for Dinner!!!

Then we went out for a little pizza...

Puppy even helped himself to a little BEER - BAD PUPPY!!!! Posted by Picasa

Here comes the parade!!

Finally it was PARADE time!!!!

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Jonesboro Holiday Parade!

Waiting for the parade to start...we walked around and played in the grass for a while...

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Jonesboro Holiday Parade!

Amelia and Chase hit the fun slide as well as went on a pony ride!!

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Friday, November 17, 2006

Thanksgiving Feast - Stockbridge Methodist Preschool

Gobble Gobble!!!

Chase and Amelia dressed up for Turkey day at school!

Today was the Thanksgiving feast at Amelia and Chase's school - we had a great time - I didn't many photos - kind of chaotic trying to eat, feed the kiddos, make sure Chase didn't fall out of his chair, etc...but I at least got a few!

Here is Chase's class all dressed up as native americans and Miss Sara the pilgram!!! So cute!!

Yeah...well...at least Grant was paying attention to me and my camera!! hee hee

Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!!!

Courtney, Grant, Amelia and Chase Posted by Picasa

Monday, November 13, 2006

Choo Choo Birthday Party!

Another fun birthday party for Amelia this weekend! Chase was feeling a bit under the weather so he stayed home - he would have had a blast at this one though :(

Jake had his 4th birthday party and had a big train and everything! Another fun Sunday afternoon!
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Ready to Meet Santa!!

Santa is visiting Chase and Amelia's school today!! Since it was such a special day - Chase did a rare thing and dressed up!! To me...he looks adorable - yes, but just not quite like himself - hee hee! He was a pretty good sport about the whole affair except for the SHOES...those of you who know Chase know that he does not do well with change in the shoe department...he actually stood in this same exact spot in his room for about 10 minutes refusing to walk because he wanted new "shoooose!!!" He finally did go to school wearing the dreaded shoes after I assured him that his trusty loved shoes were packed in his school bag with a change of clothes for after he visited with Santa!!

What a morning!!!!!!!! Posted by Picasa