Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!!!

from Amelia Earhart and her trusty Airplane!!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 30, 2006

Gymnastics Halloween Party!

Amelia as "Amelia Earhart" enjoying some fun at the gymnastics team party!!! Posted by Picasa

Hoe Down - Kindergarten Class

Here are a few shots of Amelia's class enjoying the Hoe Down!

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Class Shots - Chase Monday's Hoe Down

The class on their way! I have no idea how Miss Sara gets them to walk like this!!! She is amazing!

Hay Ride!!!

Snack Time!!!!

Playing in the Hay! Posted by Picasa

Hoe Down Day - Chase!!

Today was Hoe Down day at school - here are a few shots of Chase enjoying the day!!

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Sunday, October 29, 2006

We also visisted some cute puppies!!!

We also went and visited Miss Karen and Mr Michaels puppies...well - Margarita and Mojito's puppies!!! Here is Amelia standing by their cage - they were soooo cute!!! Posted by Picasa

What did we do today? Attended a TEA PARTY!

Today was McGarrah's (a friend from Kindergarten class) 6th birthday party. She had a bring your doll tea party - so very cute! Amelia had a great time! Here are a few photos from the tea and McGarrah opening Amelia's gift!

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Lobster Racing....

Just in case you were wondering....Here is how the lobster race looks...you set your lobster in here as Grant is and then they race to the other end...well...sometimes they race...some just sat there, some went halfway and then turned around and others really did make a "run" for it! We had a fun time!!! Posted by Picasa

Racefest and Lobster Derby!!

Last night was the 2nd annual Race Fest and Lobster Derby in Morrow. Amelia and I went and met Daddy, Miss Karen and Mr. Michael for a fun night. We also saw Miss Christine, Cienna, Brooke and their Daddy too! We had a great time - Amelia got to name her lobster that daddy named after her! What fun!

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Friday, October 27, 2006

Chase had a BIG day too!!!

Here is his classroom and wonderful teacher - Miss Sara!!

Chase had a big day at school today as well! It was his Orange/Black Halloween dress-up day and the best part ever....HE GOT HIS FIRST EVER TREAT BUCKET!!! He was just so excited - came running out of class carrying his bucket and couldn't wait to look inside to see all the exciting prizes - so cute!!!!

Enjoying a mouthful of candy!! YUMMY!!! Posted by Picasa

Kindergarten Farm Breakfast Snack!!

In celebration of the end of farm month - the kindergarten class had a farm breakfast for snack today. The other room mother and I went in and prepared eggs, bacon, biscuits, and milk - which they all LOVED.

Here are a few photos of the class enjoying their snack and watching Miss Stephanie give a lesson on how the eggs and bacon were cooked!

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

On to 2007....

We will be back....

The boobs will be back for the Atlanta Breast Cancer 3 Day in 2007 - October 12-15!

Come walk with us - or help us through a financial donation!


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Closing Ceremonies - October 22, 2006

We made it!!!

The raised shoe tribute to the survivors! So touching...
These shoes (along with these boobs...were made for walking!) Posted by Picasa