Royal Feast!!!

On our way to school (Chase with his CLIFFORD book that he will NOT put down!!!!)


Puppy....The frog Prince!!

Amelia's Class all dressed up!!!
Today was the real Day - Hansel and Gretel made their way to school all dressed up and just adorable and had a blast!!! Amelia said it was the best day EVER!! They had a parade so everyone could see everyone else's costumes and then the Kindergarten class had a "royal feast" which was adorable. Puppy even dressed up like the "frog prince" - Chase did not care for puppy wearing a costume so shortly after this photo his crown was RIPPED off, but at least their is photographic evidence of how cute he looked!! The group photo is Amelia's class - aren't they just adorable!!??? Next week is fall break - ALREADY!!!! YIKES!!!!!