Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Friday, September 29, 2006


Auntie Terri and family sent Chase these adorable pajamas last week and Chase just LOVED them. Just happened that the Chicken Little movie had arrived in the mail from Blockbuster 2 days earlier so we watched the movie and then he was just beside himself that he got to wear "chick chick" jammies!!!

Thank you Auntie Terri, Uncle Chris, and Cousin Matt!!!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Night Night!!! Have a great week!!!

A sweet moment caught on camera!! Amazing how close they are growing these days!

Have a great week!!

Amelia and Chase
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I don't want to take a tubby...I don't want Fall Break to be over...I don't want to go back to school.......

Boy mommy is ready for school to be back in session - hooray - tomorrow is Monday - hee hee!!!!!! Posted by Picasa

Plane Flying...

Today we went to a local park to try out one of Grant's planes...it was a bit of a dud, but we had fun anyway! The kids ran around like crazy and Puppy got some time "flying" the plane so it all worked out well - enjoy the photos!

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Silver Snakes - Game 1

Today was our first game - we played a tough team - The Blue Whales and lost 7-5 but we had a blast!! Here are a few shots from the game. Amelia had a great time and even scored one of the goals for her team. Better luck next week Snakes!!

Monday, September 18, 2006

Time for a Haircut?

This is what happens when your wife is bored on a Sunday night after the kids are tucked in their beds fast asleep and you are trying to get some work done on your computer!!! Next time he will go get a haircut before it is long enough for me to do this...LESSON LEARNED!!! hee heee!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, September 15, 2006

Storybook Dress Up - The Real Thing!!!

Royal Feast!!!

On our way to school (Chase with his CLIFFORD book that he will NOT put down!!!!)


Puppy....The frog Prince!!

Amelia's Class all dressed up!!!

Today was the real Day - Hansel and Gretel made their way to school all dressed up and just adorable and had a blast!!! Amelia said it was the best day EVER!! They had a parade so everyone could see everyone else's costumes and then the Kindergarten class had a "royal feast" which was adorable. Puppy even dressed up like the "frog prince" - Chase did not care for puppy wearing a costume so shortly after this photo his crown was RIPPED off, but at least their is photographic evidence of how cute he looked!! The group photo is Amelia's class - aren't they just adorable!!??? Next week is fall break - ALREADY!!!! YIKES!!!!!

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Storybook Dress Up Day

Tomorrow is Storybook Dress up day at Chase and Amelia's school - we had a quick test run with Chase today to make sure he wouldn't have a complete fit with his costume - he is going as HANSEL!! Amelia is going as...you guessed it...GRETEL...I will post photos of the two of them in the morning, but I couldn't resist adding this one tonight!!!! Grant and I were dying!!! Posted by Picasa

Monday, September 11, 2006

Breast Cancer 3 Day!!

I have just 40 days left to finish my fundraising efforts – I need your help!! I understand not everyone can give large amounts – I am only asking for small donations to help me reach my goal so I can participate in this amazing event!
I agreed to raise at least $2200 in donations to participate. I am walking to do something bold about breast cancer. I hope you’ll share this incredible adventure with me – by supporting me in my fundraising efforts.

You can either donate via credit card/check card here:
or I can mail you a donation form which you can mail a check directly back to the 3 day with a check payment. Let me know how you would like to proceed and I will take care of it.

Beach Boil and Blues...

Saturday night we all attended Grant's Rotary Beach Boil and Blue's Party. The food wasLow Country Boil - Amelia and Bubba danced, Amelia went for a swim (in her dress no less...), Puppy jumped in the crawfish/shimp pot and we had a great time!!! Here are a few shots from the evening!

First Day of Soccer - Fall 2006 SILVER SNAKES!!!

Saturday was the first "official" day of soccer for Amelia and I. We (yes, I am the assistant coach this year) had our first practice/organization day on Saturday. Amelia (and I) are SILVER SNAKES this year. She is excited that her 2 buddies Grace and Jacob are on her team this year, plus some new friends to make!! More to come! Our first game is September 16th!

Grandparent's Day

Friday was Grandparent's Day at Chase, Puppy and Amelia's school. Nanny and Bubba came down for the big day and had a great time at the "gardening with grandparents" program! Thanks for making the trip Nanny and Bubba!

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids in Gainesville Ga - Labor Day 2006

Labor Day we went to INK - Interactive Neighborhood for Kids in Gainesville (about an hour and half northeast (??) of Stockbridge) - very cool place with kid size everything! Doctors office, dentists office, post office, diner, beauty shop, school, etc...

What a great family day!!!

Sunday, September 03, 2006



One of Chase's favorite parts of the zoo - the play tractor - go figure!!

Hold my hand big sister!!! (on the train ride)

Laid back Chase!

Amelia LOVES the carousel!

Amelia enjoying the petting zoo!

ohhhhhh...I dunno about this.....