Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Monday, July 31, 2006

The Wainscott Boys!

I just love this shot of Grant and Chase!!! Taken at Summerfest - Fourth of July weekend! Posted by Picasa

Cooper's Haircut!!

Cooper went to the groomer last week for a trim - the hair was just making us CRAZY. He looks pretty darn cute - I think... He is such an old "fussy man" - almost worst than the kids - took me 7 photos just to get this one "kind of decent" shot of him. He just kept looking at me, like "what the heck - can I go crawl back under the bed now??" Posted by Picasa

Monday, July 24, 2006

Happy Birthday Owen!!!!

On our way home, we stopped in Greer to celebrate Owen's First Birthday. Such a sweet boy!!

One more park trip before we go....

It was time to go home...get ready for school...get back to reality...SOOOO one more trip to the park to go for a swim!!!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Home from the Park!!

We went to the park in clothing and returned in undies/diaper and our CROCS!!! What a fun afternoon!! Posted by Picasa

Banner Elk Park...Again!!

We went to the park to walk Kipper and to play on the playground...well...we ended up with 2 SOAKED kids and 1 SOAKED "puppy"

"Puppy" went for a nice ride down the creek and Amelia and Chase had a fun time swimming with him!!

Notice Chase's shirt...one of our tie dye creations from the day before - impressed???


Chase has been a big giver of kisses this trip!!! Every five seconds...he looks over and says "Mommy - Kiss?", "Mimi - Kiss?", "Bubba - Kiss?", "Nan - Kiss?", "Nanny - Kiss?"

Thought I should preserve this sweet moment with a photo!!! Posted by Picasa

Playing Dress Up!!

Amelia and I decided to break out the Dress Up Chest that Nanny has for the kids...we had such a fun afternoon while Chase took a nap!!!

You Still Here???

"Puppy" and Chase are having such a FANTASTIC time this July!!! Posted by Picasa

Hiking in Blowing Rock - around Price Lake

Sunday (sorry I am out of order a bit...) we went with Cameron, Finley, Nanny, Bubba and Uncle Ralph for a hike around Price Lake in Blowing Rock and then to Kilwins for Ice Cream!!

Our Friend...Mr. Bear...

We got to Grandfather early so this was the only guy who was up and about... Posted by Picasa

Grandfather Mountain

The kids and I went to Grandfather Mountain early Tuesday morning...we loved seeing the Bears, Eagles, Otters, Deer, and Cougars. We also walked across the swinging bridge...what an amazing view - Amelia was very brave this year and even walked out on the rocks and Chase made it half-way across the bridge by himself before he looked down and decided that he wanted me to hold him!!!

Tie Dye Artists!!

Cameron and I got a wild hair and decided to make tie dye t-shirts...they looked AWESOME...until we washed them :( Posted by Picasa

Proof that the Kids have had AT LEAST one bath....

We have been playing hard and having a blast...here's proof that they have had at least ONE bath...

The ULTIMATE "Slug-Bug" Game Spot!!

The kids and I went to Bristol on Thursday...Amelia and I (as usual) had our heated "slug-bug" game going on...we went by this dealership...4 convertables and 5 regulars PLUS bonus points b/c there were for sale = MOMMY WINS!!! Posted by Picasa