Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Friday, June 30, 2006

Press from Grant's Ecuador Trip...


Thursday, June 29, 2006

What to do in Atlanta in June....

Hit the Pool!!!

Thanks to our buddies Miss Chrissy, Jake and Conner - we hit the pool in their neighborhood on Wednesday and had a great time!!! It is soooo hot here!!!

Mimi and Chase had a BLAST as you can tell from the photos - there was only one lifeguard rescue of Chase so that was good :) He thought he was sooo cool in his shades!!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Family Reunion - Lake Lure, NC

The grandparents (Nanny and Bubba) with all the Grandchildren!!

Chase is not all together into this "family photo" idea!! The other children were instructed - "just sit, don't move and keep smiling!!!"

Chase in his fancy new CROCS!!!

Reedy and Amelia having fun!!!

This was the best shot I got...Chase finally cooperated a little!!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

The Birthday Boys Day!!!

FIRST I attended Mom's Morning Out at Mimi's gymnastics gym...wow what a FUN time!!

SECOND I got my haircut!!! It wasn't supposed to be this short, but when you have the biggest FIT in the world...they have to just BUZZ your whole head...thanks goodness it will grow back!!

THIRD...Mimi got a haircut...she behaves just a BIT better than me!!!


and last but not least....PRESENTS!!!!!

Happy 2nd Birthday Chase!!!

Our little 2 year old...where has the time gone??? Happy Birthday Sweet "Smoopie Rotten Bottom" Posted by Picasa

First Birthday Party

Chase enjoying cake at his FIRST birthday!! Posted by Picasa

Chase - June 22, 2004

9 days after his birth - 1 day before leaving the hospital after his NICU stay! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, June 18, 2006

Father's Day - Lake Lanier Water Park!

What a fun day!!! We drove up to Lake Lanier to the water park for the day. The kids had a blast as well as daddy!

Saturday Lunch...

Cute and silly photo of the two kiddos Saturday afternoon. Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 16, 2006

Yellow River Game Ranch

Excuse these AWFUL photos - had to get a throw away camera and it was awful. We went to the Yellow River Game Ranch last Sunday and had a blast!!! Tons of neat animals to feed - very cool!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006


During one of my usual periods of insomnia this evening...I am organizing photos...here are photos of Chase and Amelia both at 6 months of age....SCARY how much they look alike!! I wish I had a photo of each of them in neutral clothing...might be hard to tell which is which...thanks for indulging me...  Posted by Picasa

Well...at least Grant is making friends on his trip!!!

Grant gets up and personal with some of the local residents.... Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 10, 2006

And....This is where Grant is spending his week....JERK!!!

hee hee! Grant is on a business trip (can't quite figure out how he secures these locations) to Ecuador and the Galapogos Islands! He sent us an email with a few shots...this one is outside of his hotel room...I am just so so jealous...he is going to OWE ME BIG for this one...hee hee!!!! Posted by Picasa

The Girls Opted for the Sand....

Amelia and Lauren chose to play in the sand...although they had to parade in their cute swimsuits first!! Silly girls!! Posted by Picasa

Water Boy!

Chase enjoying some pool time at Carolan and Lauren's house last week!! He stayed in the poll for over an hour -just happy as can be!! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

Amelia's Spring Ballet Recital

Today was Amelia's ballet recital...the theme for her tap and ballet routine was winter/christmas. She did great and had a blast!! Here are some photos taken on the way to the show in the front yard and afterwards with her flowers.