Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Front and Back of her unform!!! too cute!!

Mimi's First Gymnastics Meet!!!

Mimi is so excited. This weekend is her FIRST EVER gymnastics meet. The meet is in Woodstock and she tried on her "official" World Xtreme Viper Uniform tonight (including hair bob thank you very much - hee hee) - she is sooo excited. She has worked very hard to get to this and mommy and daddy could not be prouder!! I will add photos of the official day soon.

She is excited for the event and we just go confirmation that AUNTIE DONNA will be flying in for the weekend and will get to witness the event, first hand!! Boy...Amelia could not be happier - gymnastics meet and one of her favorite aunties all in one weekend!!! whoo hooo!! Posted by Picasa

Gymnastics Salute!

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Sunday, February 26, 2006

One Last Time....

Before they left...the two of them did all by themselves!!! Posted by Picasa

Mommy Takes a turn!!!

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Ball Pit Fun!!!

Chase LOVED the ball pit!!!  Posted by Picasa

Ball Pit!!

Mimi? Mimi? Where did you go??? Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Chase Sliding!

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Mimi!!! Posted by Picasa

Fun Sunday!!

We went to Kangaroo Kids as a family today....Chase and Mimi had a great time - Mommy and Daddy were well....worn out!!! Posted by Picasa

Friday, February 24, 2006

Our Dog - WA WA.....nanny to the menace!!

Savannah had decided she likes Chase - WHY?? He totally harasses her, but she puts up with it, Cooper just growls at him the minute he sees him (who can blame Cooper)!! He is Savannah aka WAWA enjoying the beautiful day!! Posted by Picasa

Out of Bed...Next Task...Eat some Red Ink Pad!!

Chase hopped out of bed, raring to go...ran the playroom - 5 minutes later he appears like THIS!!! He found a red ink pad that Mimi was playing with and decided it would make a great breakfast!!!!! Good grief, this kid is killing me and this was ONLY the beginning for this crazy day!!! Posted by Picasa

Into the Tubby He Goes!!!

The ink is fading a bit....after 10 minutes of scrubbing!! Posted by Picasa

Eating the Johsons and Johnsons...of course!!

At least he is getting somewhat clean!!??!!! Posted by Picasa

Chase plays with his stroller

yeah...so this rough and tumble boy does have a FEW (mind you, very rare) moments - he took a break from eating dirt and falling down to push the stroller. Posted by Picasa

A girl in a bucket and the dog she loves

Amelia went "swimming" in a bucket today - she filled it with warm water, grabbed some white grape juice and enjoyed the sunny day!! Posted by Picasa

A Boy and the Dog he Harasses

Poor Savannah - what a trooper - the day ended with a little harassing of Savannah....now off to dinner and bed!!! Posted by Picasa

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


Do ya think he was a littled "nuked" up???? Posted by Picasa

Mimi having fun at Chuck E Cheese

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Amelia and Chase (along with friends from our playgroup) went to Chuck E Cheese yesterday - I broke my rule of NEVER going there (usually Grant takes them) and went. Chase was a terror of course, but we had a blast!! I kept finding Chase - he would crawl up and sit at some strangers table and then of course help himself to some of their pizza. I really never saw Amelia the whole time, she was off playing with her buddies and was way too cool for me. She did however, find me the second that crazy mouse costumed person came around - boy she is NOT a fan of him!! Posted by Picasa

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Aunt Terri and Uncle Chris

WOW - what a fun time!!!!!! What a handsome couple!!! We miss you guys!!!! Posted by Picasa

That Smile!!!!!

Taylor is just about the cutest little boy ever!! Posted by Picasa

Cute boy Taylor

Here is an updated photo of the now 6 month old Taylor and his beautiful mommy (and our niece) Beth. He is growing like a weed and as you can tell, Beth is head over heels for this handsome guy!! We can't wait to meet him in person!!! Posted by Picasa

Happy Birthday to JIJI

Happy belated birthday to our beloved Jiji!!! Amelia's godmother, Courtney's lifetime buddy and the mommy to the cutest little boy ever!!!

Here is Jiji with her adorable hubby James and the adoralbe Owen.

We love you Jiji!!! Posted by Picasa

Daddy and Mimi Headed out for a RUN

Grant broke down and bought some running shoes this weekend and he and Mimi began their training. They are planning on running a 1 mile FUN RUN one weekend in March - Cooper joined them for the run as well!!! So proud of them!! Posted by Picasa