Wainscott Family Photos

Do you know what you call those who use towels and never wash them, eat meals and never do the dishes, sit in rooms they never clean, and are entertained till they drop? If you have just answered, "A house guest," you're wrong because I have just described my kids. ~Erma Bombeck

Monday, January 30, 2006

Mountain Weekend - Blue Ridge, GA

We went to Blue Ridge, GA with Jeff Denny, his girlfriend Sheila, a few of their Florida friends - we had so much fun - here are a few shots! On the way home today, we stopped and took a short hike to a beautiful waterfall.

Donuts for Daddy - Stockbridge Methodist Preschool

Friday was Donuts for Dad at Mimi's school. He picked out her outfit and she picked out his tie - they had so much fun! Posted by Picasa

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Life with my 5 Year Old Girl!!

So today, Amelia and I are disagreeing about her behavior (i.e. she is being a sassy frass)..so I send her to her room for 15 minutes. I go in to check on her and she is packing her bags - moving out! She has 2 babies and their clothes, 2 pants, 2 tops, panties, 7 barbies, some of my makeup, 15 hairbows and her play lap-top. Well at least she made me proud and packed her hair-bows!!!

Asked about money for food - "I'll pack food"
asked about transportation "I'll call my Bubba (my dad) and he'll come get me for sure"
will you miss me? "Yes, but I am still going"
"I need the phone please," and I gave it to her, she then proceeded to call my mom to make arrangements for them to pick her up b/c she was going to live with them now...of course my mother just played along and Amelia totally took her seriously - sooo funny! "Okay, so you leave Banner Elk right now and I'll get packed up, we can make pizza for dinner...blah blah blah"
Asked about missing school "Ohhhh...no problem, I'll be back in time for school and gymnastics and ballet - don't want to miss those you know!!"

Nicole called about that time and jokingly said she wanted to run away too....Amelia stood by the door waiting for her for 10 minutes.

What changed her mind you ask?....well....I told her if she was going to go, that was fine but that she had to take her brother too! I then went and packed his diaper bag with lots of wipies, diapers, his nunie (pacifier) and explained all the things he entailed....

Needless to say, she decided to climb in bed with mommy while Chase napped and I even got a backrub out of it!!!

Amelia the normal is back - whooo hoooo!!! Now she is laying in my tub, bath pillow and saying "isn't this the life"

Me: "I thought you didn't like it here, thought you were going to run away"
Amelia: "oh...I am still running away, don't unpack my suitcase, I'll just go tomorrow!!"


Courtney Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Atlanta Breast Cancer 3Day

I have decided to walk in the Breast Cancer 3Day taking place in Atlanta this coming October with a group of friends.

Check out our website:


Here is my personal website - in case ya want to donate :)


Nail Salon Day!!

On MLK day....Amelia and Grace had a pedicure day!! Posted by Picasa

A Fun Afternoon - Noah's Ark and Griffin Playground!

The kids and I spent a sunny Tuesday playing with friends. We packed a lunch and went to Noah's Ark which was closed for repair to the monkey cages, so we visited the indoor snakes and the alligators and then went to Griffin to a fun playground. What a fun day! Enjoy!

Friday, January 13, 2006

PJ Day at Pre-School

Today is wear your PJs to school day for Amelia!!

Thursday, January 12, 2006

A Birthday Cake for Daddy!!

Amelia picked out a beautiful cake and candles and we had a great family dinner to celebrate his big day!!! Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, January 11, 2006



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Monday, January 09, 2006

Mommy Sanity Lunch!!

Yesterday I enjoyed a bit of a break with an amazing lunch with all my girlfriends. Here are the photos!!

Hard at Work!

Grant doing roof work on the new playhouse. Posted by Picasa

Our New Playhouse

Progress, progress. With the help of Michael (who has given up 4 weekend days so far - what a guy!!) the playhouse is nearing completion!! We can't wait for the kiddos to enjoy it!! Posted by Picasa

Have you seen this man?...

Last Seen On Top of New Children's Playhouse

Considered: Armed and Dangerous

Warning: This man has new knowledge of tools and should NOT be trusted with your home projects!!
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Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Mimi and the Dolphins

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We saw lots of beautiful dolphins while out of the boat - here is mommy and baby who decided to swim along the boat for a while - this was just amazing!!! Posted by Picasa

The Beach

Mommy and Mimi enjoying the beach!! Posted by Picasa

On the Roseate

Amelia, Faris and Uncle Chuck enjoying the beautiful day!! Posted by Picasa

Golf Cart Riding

Grant, Bubba and the kiddos out for a ride!! Posted by Picasa

Palm Island, Florida CHRISTMAS 2005

We had an amazing Christmas! Here are the 4 kiddos (l-r):

Chase - 18 months
Faris - 6 years
Finley - 3 years
Amelia - 5 years

Auntie Donna and Uncle Charlie were our gracious hosts - along with their beautiful boat the Roseate which we enjoyed soooo much (I am adding photos on the boat in just a moment) - we played on the beach, went for boat rides, went fishing, golf cart riding - just had a BLAST!!! Posted by Picasa

Gymnastics Holiday Party

Here is Mimi enjoying her gymnastics holiday party - that is Maddy beside her - it was a WILD party but we had fun. Posted by Picasa

Smiling Kiddos - December 2005

FINALLY a shot where they are both smiling!! Chase it seems doesn't really care ot have his picture taken so this is a rare happy shot of him!!
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